Haaris Mateen

Climate Economics Senior Advisor

Haaris Mateen is an economist who wants to find better policy solutions and decision-making tools in the face of climate change. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Finance at the C.T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. More recently, he is working on understanding the resilience of local economies to climate change, on modeling deep uncertainty related to known and unknown unknowns, and on more effective international climate treaty design. His research has won several awards and spans topics such as media economics, financial economics, macroeconomics, public health, and microeconomic theory. He has a PhD in economics from Columbia University, a bachelor’s in engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. His interest in better communication and advocacy about the threat of climate change began in 2010 when, as the head of the college news magazine, he organized a mock Copenhagen summit on campus, which easily (and unfortunately) outperformed the real summit in its resolve.

Thought. Action. Change.