2.9 Cooperation, Peacemaking, and 2000-Year-Old Dates - David Lehrer

Today’s episode is with Dr. David Lehrer, the Director of International Development at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. In 1978, David moved from the US to Israel so he could be part of a kibbutz—the cooperative living arrangements found throughout the country. A few years later he became a member of Kibbutz Ketura, home to the Arava Institute. He was Executive Director of the Institute for 20 years, moving to Director of International Development just this year, after receiving his PhD from Ben-Gurion University. The Arava Institute brings together Israelis, Palestinians, and Jordanians to solve climate issues affecting the whole region: “The environment can’t wait for peace in the Middle East.” We talk about planting 2000-year-old Judean dates, harvesting solar power in the desert, and using animal waste to create clean energy.

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2.10 Planet Reimagined’s New Futures Fellowship, Research, and Advocacy - Mila Rosenthal, Nia Smith, and Rai Saad Khan


2.8 Community, Self-Care, and Reclamation - Kristy Drutman (@browngirl_green)